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As the world diversifies into different payment methods we try and keep up to provide our customers with a wide range that suits them. We only use payment methods that are secure, because of this none of our payment methods collect or store any personal information that would allow them to be used again.
We try and offer all of our customers a range of payment methods, allowing them to pay in a way that suits them. All of our payment methods are secure and none collect or store any personal information that would allow them to be used again.
ShopPay is the in built secure, payment solution that offers a carbon removal program with every purchase at no additional cost.
Find out more about ShopPay Carbon Removal Scheme.
All payments through ShopPay are directed through the platform and any sensitive information is handled by them.
When you choose to pay using Paypal you can be confident that you are using one of the biggest payment providers in the world. It offers a quick, easy and secure checkout every time. All information provided is handled via PayPal and no personal information is collected or stored by us.
If you have questions regarding PayPal, check out the PayPal Help Section.
We accept major credit and debit cards (including American Express). If you have questions our team can be called on 01684 252212 and will be more than happy to help.
If you would like to pay on receipt of invoice, you can place the order on the website as normal but select the 'BACS/Cheque/Telephone' Option. The order will come to us and we will send a pro-forma invoice to you to confirm the order and include our bank details.
Due to the incoming simpler recycling legislation we are experiencing a huge increase in demand. All orders are being processed as fast as possible, but there is a delay. We will respond to all emails as soon as we can but please bear with us as we work through the backlog.