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We stock the biggest range of bathroom bins available. We have over 30 different models to choose from. Designed for daily use in workplace, home and public bathrooms. Our bins come in a variety of different colours and designs to complement bathrooms of every shape and size.
Frequently Asked Questions
This depends on the size bathroom you have. A regular home bathroom would tend to have a bin around 5-12 litres, the smaller household the smaller bin you would need.
If you were looking for a commercial bathroom bin, we have a huge range that will suit and look fantastic.
Any bathroom bin should be regularly cleaned and sanitised to maintain hygiene. We recommend really that bins are emptied twice in a month and at most monthly.
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Due to the incoming simpler recycling legislation we are experiencing a huge increase in demand. All orders are being processed as fast as possible, but there is a delay. We will respond to all emails as soon as we can but please bear with us as we work through the backlog.