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Stay compliant and environmentally responsible with our range of Battery Recycling Bins. Both retailers and producers of batteries are legally required to provide safe and designated collection points so they can be handled accordingly.
Our variety of bins have been put together to be as versatile as possible for use across schools, shopping centres, commercial offices and businesses where battery disposal is present.
We have multiple different sizes available as well as wall mountable options for workshops where floor and surface space are limited.
Frequently Asked Questions
Unfortunately not, batteries contain hazardous materials and are a huge fire risk. Simply pop your used batteries into a bag and take them with you on your next shopping trip. All major supermarkets will have a battery recycling bin at the front of the store.
There is no legal requirement to recycle batteries, unless you sell more than 32kg of batteries per year. This roughly equals 4 AA batteries per day for a full year. If you sell this amount then you need to have a battery recycling point and accept all batteries. Not just the ones you sell.
Failure to do so could lead to a £5000 fine.
We supply battery recycling bins from 3 litres all the way to 52 litres and our team can help you choose a battery recycling point that is suitable to your business.
Good Question. Community centres, workplaces, sports halls and other community venues are a great place to set up a battery recycling point. Creating an easy access hub is a simple way to improve your local communities recycling.
You would need a secure battery recycling bin that will hold the batteries safely until they are collected. It is also important to think about how they will be processed after the bin is full. Does you standard waste collector accept them or will they need to be taken to a local recycling point?
Our range of battery recycling bins can feature child proof locks and sizes that are suitable for every environment, while our team will be happy to provide advice where we can.
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Due to the incoming simpler recycling legislation we are experiencing a huge increase in demand. All orders are being processed as fast as possible, but there is a delay. We will respond to all emails as soon as we can but please bear with us as we work through the backlog.