Park Litter Bins

In our extensive range of Park Litter Bins, you will find a fantastic selection of hardwearing, weather-resistant rubbish receptacles designed to help Keep Britain Tidy. Available in a variety of different styles and designs to complement both rural and urban landscapes, we offer free standing, wall and post mounted versions, dog waste bins, recycling bins, 2 compartment rubbish bins, child-friendly novelty bins, and much, much more in this large collection.

Available in both UV-resistant plastic and rust-resistant metals, our park litter bins come in over 15 different colours and finishes to complement all environments. A popular choice for public parks, nature reserves, schools, town centres, and beachfronts. These modern park litter bins are a great way to encourage members of the general public to dispose of their waste responsibly. If you have any questions about any of our fantastic park bins please get in touch and we would be more than happy to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

What litter bins are in parks?

Depending on the environment and need there are a huge amount of bins that fit in. All of them have a reason why are are suitable:

  • Closed Top Bins - These bins keep rain water away from waste.
  • Ground Fixed Bins - They protect the bins from theft and strong winds
  • Post Mounted Bins - These are like fixed bins that they protect from theft
  • Glass Fibre Bins - They are rust proof and will last for years!

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