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Our range of cigarette bins helps to keep smoking areas free of litter. We stock wall-mounted cigarette bins along with post-mounted options to help make the most of your space. Our freestanding cigarette bins make disposing of cigarette ends simple and convenient.
For those with limited outdoor space, we recommend you have a look at our selection of streamlined Smokers Poles, Smokers Stations, and Infinity Posts.
For those who want a higher-end solution for their business premises, we would recommend the Rubbermaid Cigarette Bins including the best-selling Rubbermaid Genie and the Rubbermaid Groundskeeper.
Frequently Asked Questions
Cigarette bins usually come in three main types; wall mounted, post mounted, or free standing. All can help keep smoking areas free of litter.
Depending on where the smoking area is this could change.
If you are looking for a workplace we would recommend a wall mounted cigarette bin around 1-2 litres.
However, if you are looking for a public cigarette bin we recommend a free standing bin with space for general waste as well and then you should be looking for a bin with total capacity of between 70-100 litres.
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Due to the incoming simpler recycling legislation we are experiencing a huge increase in demand. All orders are being processed as fast as possible, but there is a delay of around 2-3 weeks at present. We will respond to all emails as soon as we can but please bear with us as we work through the backlog.